- eau
- acide hypochloreux
- Formule exclusive d’acide orthosilicique
- vitamine C
- aloe vera
- vitamine B3
plus tax & shipping.
Rupture de stock
Les informations fournies le sont à des fins éducatives et ne constituent pas un avis médical, ni un substitut à l’avis d’un médecin ou d’un autre professionnel de la santé qualifié. Nous ne visons pas à diagnostiquer, traiter, guérir ou prévenir une quelconque maladie. Vous devez toujours consulter un médecin ou un autre professionnel de la santé pour obtenir des conseils médicaux ou des informations sur le diagnostic et le traitement. Les informations contenues dans ce site n’ont pas été évaluées par la Food & Drug Administration ou tout autre organisme médical.
By continuing, you agreed you have read and agreed to our ROOT Ambassador Program Terms & Conditions
ROOT Prime is a loyalty membership program designed to provide rewards and special services to our Customers and Ambassadors who subscribe to receive their selected products automatically shipped every 30 days. Your ROOT Prime membership is activated upon your first ROOT Prime Subscription (RPS) order.
As a ROOT Prime subscriber, you can be confident you will have your favorite products on-hand continually. ROOT’s products help people globally with solutions that protect and provide what their bodies need for full body health. ROOT’s products are designed to work synergistically with each other with recommended daily use for best results.
We applaud our RPS members for their dedication to wellness and for doing the daily work needed to achieve optimal health. We are grateful they are making ROOT a part of their healthy lifestyle.
Benefits of a ROOT Prime Subscription (RPS) include:
Root Wellness Holdings BV
Vlotlaan 507
2681 TW Monster, Netherlands
Email: [email protected]
Phone: +1 (980) 400-3245
Umsatzsteueridentifikationsnummer: NL863570458
RSIN: 863570458
Die Europäische Kommission hat eine Internet-Plattform zur Online-Streitschlichtung etabliert. Diese soll es Verbrauchern und Händlern ermöglichen, Streitigkeiten im Zusammenhang mit Online-Kaufverträgen oder Online-Dienstleistungsverträgen einfach, effizient, schnell und außergerichtlich beizulegen. Die Plattform ist über dieSeite http://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr erreichbar. Wir verzichten auf die freiwillige Teilnahme an Streitbeilegungsverfahren vor einer Verbraucherschlichtungsstelle.
ROOT Prime is a loyalty membership program designed to provide rewards and special services to our Customers and Ambassadors who subscribe to receive your selected products automatically shipped every 30 days. Your ROOT Prime membership is activated upon your first ROOT Prime Subscription (RPS) order.
As a ROOT Prime subscriber, you can be confident you will have your favorite products on-hand continually. ROOT’s products help people globally with solutions that protect and provide what their bodies need for full body health. ROOT’s products are designed to work synergistically with each other with recommended daily use for best results.
We applaud our RPS members for their dedication to wellness and for doing the daily work needed to achieve optimal health. We are grateful they are making ROOT a part of their healthy lifestyle.
Benefits of a ROOT Prime Subscription (RPS) include: