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Hágase responsable de su propia salud

Técnicas patentadas y secretos comerciales diseñados para ofrecer resultados

Sí a la naturaleza, no a lo sintético

Aprovechamos el poder de la naturaleza para liberar el verdadero potencial del cuerpo, de la mente y del espíritu humano.

Una historia corta pero un viaje largo

Su viaje hacia el bienestar no es algo que suceda de un día para otro. El proceso lleva su tiempo, pero créanos... no está solo.



La información proporcionada únicamente tiene fines educativos y no pretende constituir asesoramiento médico ni sustituir el consejo médico de un médico u otro profesional sanitario cualificado. No pretendemos diagnosticar, tratar, curar ni prevenir ninguna dolencia o enfermedad. Consulte siempre con su médico u otro profesional sanitario para obtener asesoramiento médico o información sobre diagnósticos y tratamientos. La información de esta página web no ha sido evaluada por la Administración de Alimentos y Medicamentos de EE. UU. (FDA, por su sigla en inglés) ni por ningún otro organismo médico.


ROOT Ambassador Program Terms & Conditions

By continuing, you agreed you have read and agreed to our ROOT Ambassador Program Terms & Conditions


What is ROOT Prime and what are its Benefits?

ROOT Prime is a loyalty membership program designed to provide rewards and special services to our Customers and Ambassadors who subscribe to receive their selected products automatically shipped every 30 days. Your ROOT Prime membership is activated upon your first ROOT Prime Subscription (RPS) order.

As a ROOT Prime subscriber, you can be confident you will have your favorite products on-hand continually. ROOT’s products help people globally with solutions that protect and provide what their bodies need for full body health. ROOT’s products are designed to work synergistically with each other with recommended daily use for best results.

We applaud our RPS members for their dedication to wellness and for doing the daily work needed to achieve optimal health. We are grateful they are making ROOT a part of their healthy lifestyle.

Benefits of a ROOT Prime Subscription (RPS) include:

Pie de imprenta

Root Wellness Holdings BV
Vlotlaan 507
2681 TW Monster, Países Bajos

Correo electrónico: [email protected]
Teléfono: +1 (980) 400-3245 +1 (980) 400-3245
Número de IVA NL863570458
RSIN: 863570458

La Comisión Europea ha creado una plataforma de internet para la resolución de litigios en línea. Su objetivo es permitir a consumidores y minoristas resolver litigios relacionados con contratos de venta en línea o contratos de servicios en línea de forma fácil, eficaz, rápida y extrajudicial. Se puede acceder a la plataforma a través del sitio web http://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr. Nos abstenemos de participar voluntariamente en procedimientos de resolución de litigios ante una junta arbitral de consumo.

Traducción realizada con la versión gratuita del traductor DeepL.com

 Root Prime (RPS)

ROOT Prime is a loyalty membership program designed to provide rewards and special services to our Customers and Ambassadors who subscribe to receive your selected products automatically shipped every 30 days. Your ROOT Prime membership is activated upon your first ROOT Prime Subscription (RPS) order.

As a ROOT Prime subscriber, you can be confident you will have your favorite products on-hand continually. ROOT’s products help people globally with solutions that protect and provide what their bodies need for full body health. ROOT’s products are designed to work synergistically with each other with recommended daily use for best results.

We applaud our RPS members for their dedication to wellness and for doing the daily work needed to achieve optimal health. We are grateful they are making ROOT a part of their healthy lifestyle.

Video Tutorials

Step-By-Step Process Of Becoming A ROOT Prime Member

Setting Up Your Processing Date

How To Setup Payment, Use Your Wallet, Order Additional Product

Benefits of a ROOT Prime Subscription (RPS) include:

    • Dedicated Customer Support
    • FREE SHIPPING on 2nd and all consecutive RPS orders. If you placed an order within 30 days of your first RPS order, your shipping will be FREE.
    • RPS Tokens (a $15.00 value) to offset shipping on orders placed outside of the RPS program, should you need a product between scheduled shipments.
    • $50 Loyalty Reward Gift Card (subscriptions up to $175 per month) each time you successfully complete 4 consecutive RPS deliveries. Gift cards can be redeemed on future orders.
    • $100 Loyalty Reward Gift Card (subscriptions $176 per month and over) each time you successfully complete 4 consecutive RPS deliveries. Gift cards can be redeemed on future orders.
    • RPS Call, re-occurring once each month on a dedicated day and time, specifically for ROOT Prime subscribers. You will not want to miss this call!
    • Adding RootPrime is easy: click below, shop and subscribe today!

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