Cookies Policy

1. What are cookies?

A cookie is nothing new, everyone who visits websites on the world-wide-web has gathered many different types of cookies on their computers.

By definition, a cookie is a small text file that a website stores on your computer or mobile device when you visit the site, so that the website may recognize your device, whenever it visits the website again. The process of saving cookies is controlled entirely by the web browser, which may limit or disable the saving of the cookies by command of the user.

The purpose of cookies is to enable our website to remember your preferences – your username, language, etc. for a certain period of time, which enables you to skip re-entering certain data and information every time you visit our website. Cookies can also be used to establish anonymised statistics about the browsing experience on our sites, which help us tailor our website and services to your needs and preferences.

2. How do we use cookies?

The list of the cookies, their services and purpose and duration of cookies is listed in the table below:

NameService and purposeDuration
_gaUsed to distinguish users2 years
_gidUsed to distinguish users24 hours
_gatUsed to throttle request rate. If Google Analytics is deployed via Google Tag Manager, this cookie will be named _dc_gtm_<property-id>.1 minute
AMP_TOKENContains a token that can be used to retrieve a Client ID from AMP Client ID service. Other possible values indicate opt-out, inflight request or an error retrieving a Client ID from AMP Client ID service.30 seconds to 1 year
_gac_<property-id>Contains campaign related information for the user. If you have linked your Google Analytics and Google Ads accounts, Google Ads website conversion tags will read this cookie unless you opt-out.90 days
Hotjar Tracking Codein-site survey365 days
__livechatLive chat2 years

3. Which kinds of cookies does we use?

We use different kinds of cookies, which are important for ensuring the best possible interaction between our website and its visitors.

First party cookies are cookies set by our website, which you are visiting. Only our website can read these kinds of cookies.

We use first party cookies to:

  • store visitor preferences
  • make our websites operational
  • gather analytics data (about user behaviour)
  • Visitor preferences

First party cookies are set by us and only we can read them. They remember your preferences regarding our cookies policy – whether you have agreed or refused our policy.

Our website might also potentially use external services (for example the option to play a certain video in YouTube, etc.), which use their own cookies, known as third-party cookies.

Third-party cookies are necessary in order for us to provide services and display content from external provides, such as YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, etc. In order to view this third-party content, you first have to accept their specific terms and conditions, which includes their cookie policies, which we have no control over. If you do not view this content or use such services, no third-party cookies are installed on your device.

The third-party providers on our website are:

  • YouTube
  • Facebook
  • Twitter
  • Google
  • LinkedIn

Session cookies are usually deleted whenever you quit your browser, however, certain cookies are persistent cookies, which are saved on your computer even when you quit your browse, so that they may be recognized in the future, when you decide to visit our website again. Regardless, you will be prompted to accept of refuse cookies every time you will visit our website, unless otherwise stated and decided by yourself.

Operational cookies are cookies, which are crucial for certain functions of our website, which is why they do not require your consent. Such cookies in particular are authentication cookies and technical cookies.

Authentication cookies are stored whenever you log in to our website, using our authentication services. Whenever you do this, you accept the associated privacy policy.

We use analytics cookies for research purposes, which provide us with information and feedback on how we can improve our website and services, which we provide for our visitors and users. Analytics cookies asses your interaction with our website, without gathering the data regarding your identification, which means that these cookies do not identify you personally but as an anonymous user or visitor.

Also, this data is not shared with any third parties or used for any other purpose. The anonymised statistics could be shared with our external partners to perform analysis of website visitation statistics.

However, you are free to refuse these types of cookies via the cookie banner you’ll see on our front page.

4. How can you manage cookies?

Users and website visitors may freely choose to enable or disable cookies. The cookie settings may be modified and changed in your personal web browser. Depending on which browser you are using, you may find out more information on the following links:

Please do note, that if you do in fact turn off cookies, some of the website functions may be disabled.


ROOT Ambassador Program Terms & Conditions

By continuing, you agreed you have read and agreed to our ROOT Ambassador Program Terms & Conditions


What is ROOT Prime and what are its Benefits?

ROOT Prime is a loyalty membership program designed to provide rewards and special services to our Customers and Ambassadors who subscribe to receive their selected products automatically shipped every 30 days. Your ROOT Prime membership is activated upon your first ROOT Prime Subscription (RPS) order.

As a ROOT Prime subscriber, you can be confident you will have your favorite products on-hand continually. ROOT’s products help people globally with solutions that protect and provide what their bodies need for full body health. ROOT’s products are designed to work synergistically with each other with recommended daily use for best results.

We applaud our RPS members for their dedication to wellness and for doing the daily work needed to achieve optimal health. We are grateful they are making ROOT a part of their healthy lifestyle.

Benefits of a ROOT Prime Subscription (RPS) include:

Root Prime (RPS)

ROOT Prime is a loyalty membership program designed to provide rewards and special services to our Customers and Ambassadors who subscribe to receive your selected products automatically shipped every 30 days. Your ROOT Prime membership is activated upon your first ROOT Prime Subscription (RPS) order.

As a ROOT Prime subscriber, you can be confident you will have your favorite products on-hand continually. ROOT’s products help people globally with solutions that protect and provide what their bodies need for full body health. ROOT’s products are designed to work synergistically with each other with recommended daily use for best results.

We applaud our RPS members for their dedication to wellness and for doing the daily work needed to achieve optimal health. We are grateful they are making ROOT a part of their healthy lifestyle.

Video Tutorials

Step-By-Step Process Of Becoming A ROOT Prime Member

Setting Up Your Processing Date

How To Setup Payment, Use Your Wallet, Order Additional Product

Benefits of a ROOT Prime Subscription (RPS) include:

    • Dedicated Customer Support
    • FREE SHIPPING on 2nd and all consecutive RPS orders. If you placed an order within 30 days of your first RPS order, your shipping will be FREE.
    • RPS Tokens (a $15.00 value) to offset shipping on orders placed outside of the RPS program, should you need a product between scheduled shipments.
    • $50 Loyalty Reward Gift Card (subscriptions up to $175 per month) each time you successfully complete 4 consecutive RPS deliveries. Gift cards can be redeemed on future orders.
    • $100 Loyalty Reward Gift Card (subscriptions $176 per month and over) each time you successfully complete 4 consecutive RPS deliveries. Gift cards can be redeemed on future orders.
    • RPS Call, re-occurring once each month on a dedicated day and time, specifically for ROOT Prime subscribers. You will not want to miss this call!
    • Adding RootPrime is easy: click below, shop and subscribe today!

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